Sudah lama tak terdengar olehku
Suara gemuruh tembakan
Dari bumi pertiwi ini
Bertahun-tahun sudah bangsa ini terbebas dari belenggu para penjajah
Semua ini tidak lepas dari peranmu
Para pahlawan bangsa
Dengan ikhlas kau pertaruhkan..
Waktumu yang berharga
Kau sisihkan waktumu yang berharga buat keluargamu
Hanya untuk bertarung melawan para penjajah
Keluargamu yang masih membutuhkan kehangatan darimu
Istri, dan anak-anakmu senantiasa menantimu
Menanti di depan pintu rumahmu
Berharap engkau akan pulang dengan wajah tersenyum
Dengan membawa bendera kemerdekaan
Kau pertaruhkan seluruh jiwamu
Seakan-akan nyawamu ini tak berharga
Kau berjuang dengan sepenuuh jiwa
Tanpa mengharap imbalan berupa apapun
Kau juga tak menharapkan sebuah lencana berada di tubuhmu
Juga sebuah predikat menjadi seoarang pahlawan
Sama skali tak pikirkan olehmu untuk meraih semua itu
Melainkan hanya terpikirkna olehmu
Sebuah kebebasan dan sebuah kemenangan
Yang didalamnya terdapat banyak tawa
Dari anak-anak bangsa ini
Yang didalamnya terdapat banyak impian dan cita-cita
Dari anak-anak bangsa ini yang ingin mereka capai
Kau hanya ingin sebuah metamorfosa dari bangsa ini
Dan itu semua hanya bias diwujudkan oleh mereka
Para pemuda, para regenerasimu.
Kamis, 29 Mei 2008
Rabu, 28 Mei 2008
dimana kau berada
Zaman mulai berubah…
Teknologi semakin maju
Etika masyarakatpun ikut berubah seiring kemajuan zaman
Kebudayaan..satu demi satu mulai terlupakan
Sedikit demi sedikit mulai lenyap dari kerumunan moderen
Semua menginginkan hidup modern
Kebudayaan yang mengagumkan
Yang penuh dengan seni dan sastra
Kebudayaan yang penuh dengan pendidikan
Harus mengalah dengan kehidupan moderen
Kebudayaan, symbol dari keaslian
Kebudayaan pula symbol dari kekayaan
Kebudayaan symbol dari keutuhan bangsa
Kebudayaan yang kini tergilis oleh kemajuan teknologi
Dimana kau berada?
Janganlah kau tinggalkan kami
Kembalilah di sisi kami
Agar keaslian bangsa ini tidak pudar dengan masuknya budaya lain
Dengan mudahnya keluar masuk silih berganti
Zaman boleh berubah tetapi keaslian budaya negara ini tidak boleh pudar
by : ary
url :
Teknologi semakin maju
Etika masyarakatpun ikut berubah seiring kemajuan zaman
Kebudayaan..satu demi satu mulai terlupakan
Sedikit demi sedikit mulai lenyap dari kerumunan moderen
Semua menginginkan hidup modern
Kebudayaan yang mengagumkan
Yang penuh dengan seni dan sastra
Kebudayaan yang penuh dengan pendidikan
Harus mengalah dengan kehidupan moderen
Kebudayaan, symbol dari keaslian
Kebudayaan pula symbol dari kekayaan
Kebudayaan symbol dari keutuhan bangsa
Kebudayaan yang kini tergilis oleh kemajuan teknologi
Dimana kau berada?
Janganlah kau tinggalkan kami
Kembalilah di sisi kami
Agar keaslian bangsa ini tidak pudar dengan masuknya budaya lain
Dengan mudahnya keluar masuk silih berganti
Zaman boleh berubah tetapi keaslian budaya negara ini tidak boleh pudar
by : ary
url :
pengemis kecil
Ketika sang surya mulai menmpakkan dirinya
Seorang anak terbangun dari mimpinya
Seolah dia tak ingin terbangun dari mimpi indahnya
Dia tak tau akan pergi ke mana
Tak ada seorangpun yang menemaninya
sanak keluarganya menghilang begitu saja
pengemis kecil…
dengan lapang dada
engkau melangkah dengan perlahan
sejenak berpikir..
akan pergi ke mana aku, jawabnya
dai tak punya arah dan tujuan
alam yang terkadang tak bersahabat dengannya
dengan terpaksa dia duduk di pinggir jalan ibu kota
seraya menadahkan tangannya
menunggu belas kasih dari orang-orang yang berlalu-lalang
pengemis kecil…
begitu malang nasibmu
disaaat anak seumuranmu pergi ke sekolah
kau hanya bisa mengandaikannya
seraya hanya dapat memimpikannya
untuk dapat mewujudkannya
kau bertarung melawan waktu
kau juga bwrtarung melawan takdir
tuk dapat mengubah takdirmu
tuk dapat menggapai cita-citamu
tuk meraih impianmu
by : ary
url :
Seorang anak terbangun dari mimpinya
Seolah dia tak ingin terbangun dari mimpi indahnya
Dia tak tau akan pergi ke mana
Tak ada seorangpun yang menemaninya
sanak keluarganya menghilang begitu saja
pengemis kecil…
dengan lapang dada
engkau melangkah dengan perlahan
sejenak berpikir..
akan pergi ke mana aku, jawabnya
dai tak punya arah dan tujuan
alam yang terkadang tak bersahabat dengannya
dengan terpaksa dia duduk di pinggir jalan ibu kota
seraya menadahkan tangannya
menunggu belas kasih dari orang-orang yang berlalu-lalang
pengemis kecil…
begitu malang nasibmu
disaaat anak seumuranmu pergi ke sekolah
kau hanya bisa mengandaikannya
seraya hanya dapat memimpikannya
untuk dapat mewujudkannya
kau bertarung melawan waktu
kau juga bwrtarung melawan takdir
tuk dapat mengubah takdirmu
tuk dapat menggapai cita-citamu
tuk meraih impianmu
by : ary
url :
impian seorang anak
Aku terbangun di malam yang sunyi dan dingin
Ku membuka jendela rumahu dengan perlahan
Aku melihat keatas dan melihat suasana bumi di kala malam
Dengan ditemani serangga yang bersaut-sautan bersuara dengan lantang
Rembulan yang bersinar terang
Menambah suasana menjadi lebih tentram
Bintang-bintang yang berkelip dilangit nan jauh disana
Perlahan-lahan aku pejamkan mataku dengan perlahn
Ku melihat saudara-saudaraku yang tidur di pinggir jalan
Ku melihat mereka kelaparan dan mereka meratapi nasib mereka
Kehidupan ini sungguh menyedihkan
Inginku meneteskan air mata
Mengapa aku bisa tidur di atas ranjang yang empuk
Sedang mereka tidur di atas ranjang yang beralaskan koran, bahkan tanah
Inginku membuat mereka tersenyum, dan menghapuskan air mata mereka
Dengan itu ku bercita-cita untuk dapat menyelamatkan mereka
Menolong mereka dari penderitaan mereka
Dalam hati kecilku…
Ku bertanya apakah aku bisa mewujudkan impianku
Sementara aku bkanlah anak teladan
Dan aku juga bukan anak yang jenius, juga bukan anak dari keluarga kaya
Ku ahanya anak yag hanya bias bergantung pada orang tua
Seorang anak yang hanya bisa bermimpi
Seorang anak yang ingin menggapai semua itu…
by : ary
url :
Ku membuka jendela rumahu dengan perlahan
Aku melihat keatas dan melihat suasana bumi di kala malam
Dengan ditemani serangga yang bersaut-sautan bersuara dengan lantang
Rembulan yang bersinar terang
Menambah suasana menjadi lebih tentram
Bintang-bintang yang berkelip dilangit nan jauh disana
Perlahan-lahan aku pejamkan mataku dengan perlahn
Ku melihat saudara-saudaraku yang tidur di pinggir jalan
Ku melihat mereka kelaparan dan mereka meratapi nasib mereka
Kehidupan ini sungguh menyedihkan
Inginku meneteskan air mata
Mengapa aku bisa tidur di atas ranjang yang empuk
Sedang mereka tidur di atas ranjang yang beralaskan koran, bahkan tanah
Inginku membuat mereka tersenyum, dan menghapuskan air mata mereka
Dengan itu ku bercita-cita untuk dapat menyelamatkan mereka
Menolong mereka dari penderitaan mereka
Dalam hati kecilku…
Ku bertanya apakah aku bisa mewujudkan impianku
Sementara aku bkanlah anak teladan
Dan aku juga bukan anak yang jenius, juga bukan anak dari keluarga kaya
Ku ahanya anak yag hanya bias bergantung pada orang tua
Seorang anak yang hanya bisa bermimpi
Seorang anak yang ingin menggapai semua itu…
by : ary
url :
Senin, 26 Mei 2008
Life Is Like A Streetcar: You Need To Be Right On Track To Get The Power!
Engineers know it. Streetcars know it. I know it, and in fact, you know it too. If you’re not right on track, then you won’t be getting any power. You won’t feel the energy surge, and you won’t feel love, freedom or abundance either. You will feel stuck and empty.
You must be on the right track before you can feel the drive of Universal Energy. Just like a streetcar. Imagine the most beautiful, the most sophisticated streetcar there is, equipped with all the latest technology. In the tracks there is plenty of electricity available, always, ready and willing to pump its invigorating juice into whatever it is connected to.
However beautiful or modern this streetcar may be, as long as it is not aligned with the tracks it won’t get any power to go forward. The streetcar remains motionless. Mind you, this static condition is NOT a decision of the energy supply! The power line is NOT saying, “Heh, I don’t like the looks of this streetcar, I won’t give it any energy.” The energy is always available, that’s not the problem. But you need to know how to tap into it and use it for your own propulsion!
We are all very familiar with the mechanism of power supply. We’ve learned how to use electricity when we were kids. We all know that if we don’t put the plug into the socket, then the lamp will not produce any light. We’re not so stupid that we want the lamp to shine without making contact with the energy source.
Then why are we so stupid when it comes to our own real life? Why do we not connect to the Universal Power Supply when we want to get our juices flowing? We are like the television set that all of the sudden stops working. The repairman comes over only to find that your TV is completely okay, everything is checked and certified and functions properly. Then how come we didn’t get a signal? Because the plug fell out of the socket!
How come we are always tired, low on energy, or depressed? Because we are not plugging into the Cosmic Source of Energy! We are like a lamp that tries to shine its light but forgot to plug itself into the power grid. We keep visiting the doctor to look for help, and he keeps saying that everything’s fine, “it’s in your head,” or “it’s the stress.” This basically means, “I have no clue what’s wrong with you, sir/madam, technically everything is okay.” All the while we simply forgot to plug in!
If you want to be like a streetcar that is swiftly moving forwards along its tracks, then check your power connection! Energy is always available, but you have to be aligned with your tracks before you can receive it. So where is your track? The answer is: it’s your mission. Your track is the realization of your goal, your reason for being here on earth. You have a Life Plan. You have a Life Goal. This is the road you need to travel, this is the way you need to go, this is the track you need to follow. You have your talents to discover, to develop and to offer to the world. God knows you will have plenty of energy once you start doing just that!
Find your goal in life. Discover your mission. Discover your own unique talents, your gifts from heaven, given to you at birth. You are meant to grow and cultivate your talents and gifts, and to offer them to the people you meet in your life, anyone that crosses your path. Don’t hide your talents! What a waste that would be! Instead of crying out loud about “fate,” instead of blaming others for your misery, go ahead and ask yourself why you came on earth. Find the answer to this question, and then start to passionately live the answer!
This is what it means to be right on track. Like a streetcar that smoothly moves along, energized by the ever-present power. Like the lamp, shining brightly to lighten up the lives of everyone in the room. Plug into the universal energy; it’s always there, for you as well as for everyone else. The only thing you have to do is to stay connected. Your connection is in the realization of your mission here on earth. All the energy you need is available to you through the socket that is your goal! So find your mission, find your talents, share them with the world, and Universal Energy will flow into your life to fulfill all your needs!
About The Author
Written by Ineke Van Lint, psychologist. Live your life your way, full of joy, abundance and enthusiasm! I will help you to find your passion and create success. Two free e-courses on
You must be on the right track before you can feel the drive of Universal Energy. Just like a streetcar. Imagine the most beautiful, the most sophisticated streetcar there is, equipped with all the latest technology. In the tracks there is plenty of electricity available, always, ready and willing to pump its invigorating juice into whatever it is connected to.
However beautiful or modern this streetcar may be, as long as it is not aligned with the tracks it won’t get any power to go forward. The streetcar remains motionless. Mind you, this static condition is NOT a decision of the energy supply! The power line is NOT saying, “Heh, I don’t like the looks of this streetcar, I won’t give it any energy.” The energy is always available, that’s not the problem. But you need to know how to tap into it and use it for your own propulsion!
We are all very familiar with the mechanism of power supply. We’ve learned how to use electricity when we were kids. We all know that if we don’t put the plug into the socket, then the lamp will not produce any light. We’re not so stupid that we want the lamp to shine without making contact with the energy source.
Then why are we so stupid when it comes to our own real life? Why do we not connect to the Universal Power Supply when we want to get our juices flowing? We are like the television set that all of the sudden stops working. The repairman comes over only to find that your TV is completely okay, everything is checked and certified and functions properly. Then how come we didn’t get a signal? Because the plug fell out of the socket!
How come we are always tired, low on energy, or depressed? Because we are not plugging into the Cosmic Source of Energy! We are like a lamp that tries to shine its light but forgot to plug itself into the power grid. We keep visiting the doctor to look for help, and he keeps saying that everything’s fine, “it’s in your head,” or “it’s the stress.” This basically means, “I have no clue what’s wrong with you, sir/madam, technically everything is okay.” All the while we simply forgot to plug in!
If you want to be like a streetcar that is swiftly moving forwards along its tracks, then check your power connection! Energy is always available, but you have to be aligned with your tracks before you can receive it. So where is your track? The answer is: it’s your mission. Your track is the realization of your goal, your reason for being here on earth. You have a Life Plan. You have a Life Goal. This is the road you need to travel, this is the way you need to go, this is the track you need to follow. You have your talents to discover, to develop and to offer to the world. God knows you will have plenty of energy once you start doing just that!
Find your goal in life. Discover your mission. Discover your own unique talents, your gifts from heaven, given to you at birth. You are meant to grow and cultivate your talents and gifts, and to offer them to the people you meet in your life, anyone that crosses your path. Don’t hide your talents! What a waste that would be! Instead of crying out loud about “fate,” instead of blaming others for your misery, go ahead and ask yourself why you came on earth. Find the answer to this question, and then start to passionately live the answer!
This is what it means to be right on track. Like a streetcar that smoothly moves along, energized by the ever-present power. Like the lamp, shining brightly to lighten up the lives of everyone in the room. Plug into the universal energy; it’s always there, for you as well as for everyone else. The only thing you have to do is to stay connected. Your connection is in the realization of your mission here on earth. All the energy you need is available to you through the socket that is your goal! So find your mission, find your talents, share them with the world, and Universal Energy will flow into your life to fulfill all your needs!
About The Author
Written by Ineke Van Lint, psychologist. Live your life your way, full of joy, abundance and enthusiasm! I will help you to find your passion and create success. Two free e-courses on
Sports Nutrition for the Vegetarian Organic Athlete
Sports nutrition can be defined as simply as the specific nutritional intake before during and after an athletic event or exercise session. My definition of an organic athlete is an athlete which seeks to achieve Xtreme Health™, maximum performance levels, and joyful living, by consuming primarily vegetarian, mostly raw, organic foods. A vegetarian can be a full vegan who consumes no meats, fish, poultry, or dairy products. Or you can be a semi-vegetarian and occasionally eat organic eggs, Wild fish, and or poultry, but not meat. What I would like to do in this article is share an enormous amount of knowledge for those who are seeking an organic lifestyle, in particular, a vegan lifestyle, while simultaneously competing in endurance events.
I have gone to many resources on the internet to find information for endurance athletes which are vegetarians. They are very few if any which not only focus on endurance athletes and vegetarians but also then take it to the next level and use Superfoods as the staple ingredient in the diet. Most of the resources talk about whole grains, fruits and vegetables, pasta, yogurt, peanut butter, oatmeal, toast, turkey, chicken, etc etc. I want to take you way beyond that. I not only want you competing at the highest level you ever have, but I want you to have the most awesome health ever. I want you to reverse or slow down your aging process; I want to clean out your body of all the bad stuff that goes in it on a daily basis from toxicity in our environments. I want you to feel happy and not depressed. And I want you to be competing in triathlons, adventure races, marathons, cross country bike events or whatever your endurance sport may be, until you are in the over 100 Age group category.
I know this seems like a tall order. In fact your friend or co-worker may have told you it's not possible or even worse your doctor. The truth is that I have discovered some amazing foods for athletes and I know that 90% of athletes do not consume these foods on a regular basis. And I say this because most people I meet have either never heard of them, do not know where to get them, or just are habitually eating whatever they could afford, is most convenient or is part of their family eating history.
Lets first list the energy sources of carbohydrates, proteins and fats which I consume that have taking my health to a whole new level and which I anticipate taking me even further. For instance, here are some of the benefits I have gained from eating primarily raw, organic, plant based foods and superfoods. I have lowered my cholesterol by 75 points. I have got rid of various stages of arthritis which annoyed me for 8 years. I have lost 40 lbs. I have lowered my resting heart rate from 59 to 39. I have lowered my blood pressure from 140/90 to 110/60. I have begun to start enjoying life again to its fullest by being able to compete for the first time in years. I have brought key test results into alignment such as thyroid, neurotransmitters, key minerals and nutrient levels. I have lowered heavy metal toxicity levels. I have stopped having to take antacids on a daily basis and I have stopped getting sinus infections and bronchitis after getting them every year for almost 20 years. I have experienced tremendous energy and in fact have not been sick for over a year besides the occasional onset of colds after multiple sessions of extreme exercise which quickly disappears as a result of my body's ability to recover quickly from the acidic and inflammatory state.
These are my top choices for nutrient rich, high carb energy sources (Grains/Breads/Syrups include:
Quinoa, Organic Pancakes, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Wild Honey, Agave Nectar, Organic Sprouted Breads(flax, spelt, essene) with Organic Jellies, Organic Pasta (Quinoa, Spelt), Hammer Nutrition Organic Bars, and Organic Brown rice.
My top choices for Fruits and berry carbohydrates are:
(Fruits- Grapes with seeds, Apples, Pears, Pineapple, Bananas, Watermelon, Mangos, Oranges and Dates. "Vegetable" fruits including tomatoes, peppers and Cucumbers), (Berries - Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Incan Berries and Goji Berries)
My top choices for powders, shakes and gels are (Sport drink powders - Hammer Nutrition Heed and Sustained Energy and Carbo Pro, (Shakes - Isagenix Products (Isalean, IsaCrunch , IsaPro, Ionix Supreme, Sun is everything superfood and cacao powder ), (Gels - Hammer Gels and Organic Clif shots).
For Greens and Sprouts I recommend (Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Mesclun Greens, Romaine lettuce, Celery, Pea Sprouts, Broccoli Sprouts, Sunflower Sprouts, Dulse and Kelp).
These are my choices for clean non animal protein energy sources (Hemp seeds and hemp protein, Whey Protein, Rice Protein, Vegetable Proteins (kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Sprouts), Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue Green Algae, Quinoa, Spelt, Millet, Bee pollen, Organic Eggs (for semi-vegetarians), Wild Caught (Not Farm Raised) Salmon, Cod, or Halibut or tilapia fish (for semi-vegetarians), Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, Uncooked Cashews, Organic beans and Goji Berries). Good choices for Fat Energy Sources include (Flax Seed. Olive oil, Flax Oil, Krill Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Avocados, Coconut Oil, Almonds, Organic Peanut Butter).
Now here are some of the other secret gems of health and nutrition which many high level nutritionist and wellness professionals have taught me about. A lot of these are not as well known simply because they are not in the mainstream media. You have to go out and seek out this kind of information about superfoods because it is not sold in most supermarkets therefore the average athlete is left out.
Other additions to your "Super" Athletic Diet (Some have been mentioned above and recategorized here) (Superfoods -Spirulina, Chlorella, Cacao Powder, Goji berries, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Coconut Oil, Bee Pollen, Maca Powder, and Hemp Seed) ,(Super Juices - Goji Juice, Acai juice, Mangosteen juice, Noni Juice, Aloe Vera Juice) , (SuperHerbs - Cats Claw, Reishi Mushroom, Garlic, Ginseng, Turmeric, Oregano, Parsley, Cayenne Pepper, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Cinnamon, Vanilla, Ginger),(Other Super Additions - Probiotics and Enzyme blends, Fiber such as Psyllium, Oats, Acacia gum, flax, hemp),(Omega 3's such as Flax Seed, Hemp seed oil, Avocados, Almonds) ,Green Tea, Echinacea Tea, Ginseng tea, Milk Thistle tea, Yerba Mate and Dandelion Root tea. Teas are for cleansing, immune system support, and antioxidant support. Supplement/Other Energy Sources which I have used are (Creatine - helps supply energy to muscles and nerve cells), (Glutamine - Recovery Aid, Muscle Promoter, Highly Absorbable Protein), (L-Carnitine - Helps metabolize fats into the mitochondria), (D-Ribose - Aids in the generation of positive ATP levels), and (CoQ10 - Primarily responsible for creating ATP (energy from our cells) in the Mitochondria).
There are many natural anti-nflammatories that athletes should use including (Quercitin, Vitamin D,Green Tea,Omega 3's,Organic Ginger (either raw or powdered),Organic MSM (About 5 grams),Enzymes (capsule form should include Bromelain and Papain),Omega 3's and 6's (1 ounce cold oil or ground flaxseed),Agave Nectar ,Organic garlic (1 clove or sprinkle from a jar),Vitamin C (Either 2 or 3 capsules ground in a blender from a whole food source or Potent C Guard) ,Willow Bark (similar to aspirin),Turmeric,Glucosamine,Resveratrol (Grapes) and Aloe Vera.
I have written other articles specifically about some of the herbs and superfoods listed above. It is difficult for most people to start to consume all of the above foods. What I did was first educate myself about them, then introduce them slowly to see which ones I liked and didn't like. Once you find the few superfoods that agree with you, I believe you certainly are headed in a new direction towards "Xtreme Health".
Once you have a list of "What" to eat you then have the questions of When and how much. Most endurance nutrition resources I have come across seem to equate body weight with how many grams of protein, carbs, and fats should be taken before during and after exercise. The amount of grams that your body requires is dependent on several factors:
1) The cycle of training you are in (Base Training, Build Training, Peak Training, Recovery Training or transition (end of season) training
2) The type of training you are doing
3) The intensity of the training you are doing
4) Your own metabolic make-up (Women, Man) (Good Digestive Health, Poor Digestive Health)(Resting Metabolic rates)
5) Weight loss goals of the individual
by: Will Power Byron
I have gone to many resources on the internet to find information for endurance athletes which are vegetarians. They are very few if any which not only focus on endurance athletes and vegetarians but also then take it to the next level and use Superfoods as the staple ingredient in the diet. Most of the resources talk about whole grains, fruits and vegetables, pasta, yogurt, peanut butter, oatmeal, toast, turkey, chicken, etc etc. I want to take you way beyond that. I not only want you competing at the highest level you ever have, but I want you to have the most awesome health ever. I want you to reverse or slow down your aging process; I want to clean out your body of all the bad stuff that goes in it on a daily basis from toxicity in our environments. I want you to feel happy and not depressed. And I want you to be competing in triathlons, adventure races, marathons, cross country bike events or whatever your endurance sport may be, until you are in the over 100 Age group category.
I know this seems like a tall order. In fact your friend or co-worker may have told you it's not possible or even worse your doctor. The truth is that I have discovered some amazing foods for athletes and I know that 90% of athletes do not consume these foods on a regular basis. And I say this because most people I meet have either never heard of them, do not know where to get them, or just are habitually eating whatever they could afford, is most convenient or is part of their family eating history.
Lets first list the energy sources of carbohydrates, proteins and fats which I consume that have taking my health to a whole new level and which I anticipate taking me even further. For instance, here are some of the benefits I have gained from eating primarily raw, organic, plant based foods and superfoods. I have lowered my cholesterol by 75 points. I have got rid of various stages of arthritis which annoyed me for 8 years. I have lost 40 lbs. I have lowered my resting heart rate from 59 to 39. I have lowered my blood pressure from 140/90 to 110/60. I have begun to start enjoying life again to its fullest by being able to compete for the first time in years. I have brought key test results into alignment such as thyroid, neurotransmitters, key minerals and nutrient levels. I have lowered heavy metal toxicity levels. I have stopped having to take antacids on a daily basis and I have stopped getting sinus infections and bronchitis after getting them every year for almost 20 years. I have experienced tremendous energy and in fact have not been sick for over a year besides the occasional onset of colds after multiple sessions of extreme exercise which quickly disappears as a result of my body's ability to recover quickly from the acidic and inflammatory state.
These are my top choices for nutrient rich, high carb energy sources (Grains/Breads/Syrups include:
Quinoa, Organic Pancakes, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Wild Honey, Agave Nectar, Organic Sprouted Breads(flax, spelt, essene) with Organic Jellies, Organic Pasta (Quinoa, Spelt), Hammer Nutrition Organic Bars, and Organic Brown rice.
My top choices for Fruits and berry carbohydrates are:
(Fruits- Grapes with seeds, Apples, Pears, Pineapple, Bananas, Watermelon, Mangos, Oranges and Dates. "Vegetable" fruits including tomatoes, peppers and Cucumbers), (Berries - Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Incan Berries and Goji Berries)
My top choices for powders, shakes and gels are (Sport drink powders - Hammer Nutrition Heed and Sustained Energy and Carbo Pro, (Shakes - Isagenix Products (Isalean, IsaCrunch , IsaPro, Ionix Supreme, Sun is everything superfood and cacao powder ), (Gels - Hammer Gels and Organic Clif shots).
For Greens and Sprouts I recommend (Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Mesclun Greens, Romaine lettuce, Celery, Pea Sprouts, Broccoli Sprouts, Sunflower Sprouts, Dulse and Kelp).
These are my choices for clean non animal protein energy sources (Hemp seeds and hemp protein, Whey Protein, Rice Protein, Vegetable Proteins (kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Sprouts), Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue Green Algae, Quinoa, Spelt, Millet, Bee pollen, Organic Eggs (for semi-vegetarians), Wild Caught (Not Farm Raised) Salmon, Cod, or Halibut or tilapia fish (for semi-vegetarians), Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, Uncooked Cashews, Organic beans and Goji Berries). Good choices for Fat Energy Sources include (Flax Seed. Olive oil, Flax Oil, Krill Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Avocados, Coconut Oil, Almonds, Organic Peanut Butter).
Now here are some of the other secret gems of health and nutrition which many high level nutritionist and wellness professionals have taught me about. A lot of these are not as well known simply because they are not in the mainstream media. You have to go out and seek out this kind of information about superfoods because it is not sold in most supermarkets therefore the average athlete is left out.
Other additions to your "Super" Athletic Diet (Some have been mentioned above and recategorized here) (Superfoods -Spirulina, Chlorella, Cacao Powder, Goji berries, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Coconut Oil, Bee Pollen, Maca Powder, and Hemp Seed) ,(Super Juices - Goji Juice, Acai juice, Mangosteen juice, Noni Juice, Aloe Vera Juice) , (SuperHerbs - Cats Claw, Reishi Mushroom, Garlic, Ginseng, Turmeric, Oregano, Parsley, Cayenne Pepper, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Cinnamon, Vanilla, Ginger),(Other Super Additions - Probiotics and Enzyme blends, Fiber such as Psyllium, Oats, Acacia gum, flax, hemp),(Omega 3's such as Flax Seed, Hemp seed oil, Avocados, Almonds) ,Green Tea, Echinacea Tea, Ginseng tea, Milk Thistle tea, Yerba Mate and Dandelion Root tea. Teas are for cleansing, immune system support, and antioxidant support. Supplement/Other Energy Sources which I have used are (Creatine - helps supply energy to muscles and nerve cells), (Glutamine - Recovery Aid, Muscle Promoter, Highly Absorbable Protein), (L-Carnitine - Helps metabolize fats into the mitochondria), (D-Ribose - Aids in the generation of positive ATP levels), and (CoQ10 - Primarily responsible for creating ATP (energy from our cells) in the Mitochondria).
There are many natural anti-nflammatories that athletes should use including (Quercitin, Vitamin D,Green Tea,Omega 3's,Organic Ginger (either raw or powdered),Organic MSM (About 5 grams),Enzymes (capsule form should include Bromelain and Papain),Omega 3's and 6's (1 ounce cold oil or ground flaxseed),Agave Nectar ,Organic garlic (1 clove or sprinkle from a jar),Vitamin C (Either 2 or 3 capsules ground in a blender from a whole food source or Potent C Guard) ,Willow Bark (similar to aspirin),Turmeric,Glucosamine,Resveratrol (Grapes) and Aloe Vera.
I have written other articles specifically about some of the herbs and superfoods listed above. It is difficult for most people to start to consume all of the above foods. What I did was first educate myself about them, then introduce them slowly to see which ones I liked and didn't like. Once you find the few superfoods that agree with you, I believe you certainly are headed in a new direction towards "Xtreme Health".
Once you have a list of "What" to eat you then have the questions of When and how much. Most endurance nutrition resources I have come across seem to equate body weight with how many grams of protein, carbs, and fats should be taken before during and after exercise. The amount of grams that your body requires is dependent on several factors:
1) The cycle of training you are in (Base Training, Build Training, Peak Training, Recovery Training or transition (end of season) training
2) The type of training you are doing
3) The intensity of the training you are doing
4) Your own metabolic make-up (Women, Man) (Good Digestive Health, Poor Digestive Health)(Resting Metabolic rates)
5) Weight loss goals of the individual
by: Will Power Byron
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